
some recent talks

  1. Nairian Models. The Roaming Logic Conference, Warsaw, 9 – 11 May 2025

  2. Gödel`s Birthday Colloquim, TU Wien, April 28

  3. Nairian Models, Biweekly Seminars at the Institute for Research in Fundamental Sciences (IPM), Tehran, Iran, February 20th

  4. (The 2025 Hjorth Lecture) Unreachability within the projective hierarchy. VIG 2025, February 7-9, 2025

  5. Recent advances in descriptive inner model theory, European Set Theory Conference, September 16–20, 2024, Münster, Germany

  6. Karp Prize Lecture (For John Steel), The 2024 North American Annual Meeting of the Association of Symbolic Logic,Iowa State University in Ames, Iowa May 14-17, 2024

  7. TBA, The Core Model Seminar, Online, 3 Lectures, April 2, 9 and 16, 2024, CMU

  8. 'HOM representations for sets of sets of reals", Generalized Baire Space and Large Cardinals, February 8-10, 2024, Bristol, UK

  9. "Forcing Axioms and Determinacy Axioms, towards a unified theory of infinity", IMPAN Colloquim, October 18, Warsaw, 2023,

  10. " Forcing over models of determinacy", 17th International Luminy Workshop in Set Theory,October 9-13, Luminy,France, 2023.

  11. "Forcing over models of determinacy", Spanish+Polish Mathematical Meeting, September 4-8, Lodz, Poland, 2023

  12. "Sealing theorems", STUK 10, 14 June 2023 in Oxford, UK.

  13. "Bi-interpretability in set theory", What philosophy can do for set theory, University of Barcelona, March 28-30, 2023, Barcelona, Catalonia.

  14. "omega strongly measurable cardinals in Pmax extensions of models of AD", Seminar of the Division of Real Functions, University of Gdansk, January 17, 2023, Gdansk, Poland.

  15. "An invitation to Inner Model Theory", Jerusalem Set Theory Seminar, November 30th, 2022, Jerusalem, Israel.

  16. "Theta is regular in L(Gamma_{uB}, R).", tutorial (3 lectures), Muenster Set Theory Seminar, November 2022, Muenster, German.

  17. "Forcing axioms, inner models and determinacy", tutorial (3 lectures), European Set Theory Conference 2022, August 29-September 2nd, Turin, Italy.

  18. "There are no long sequences of definable sets of reals", ESI Workshop "Set Theory", July 4-8, 2022, Vienna, Austria.

  19. "Combinatorial structures on omega_3 in Pmax extensions of the Chang mode", tutorial (4 lectures), 5th Muenster conference on inner model theory, June 20--July 01, 2022, Muenster, Germany.

  20. "Generic absoluteness for universally Baire sets." Seminarium Zakladu Funkcji Rzeczywistych, November 2nd 2021, University of Gdansk.

  21. "Generic absoluteness for universally Baire sets." Seminarium Zakladu Funkcji Rzeczywistych, October 26th 2021, University of Gdansk.

  22. "The failure of the iterability conjecture for K^c." 16th International Luminy Workshop in Set Theory, September 13-17, 2021.

  23. "Defining the powerset of a cardinal." Warsaw Logic Seminar, May 5th 2021, University of Warsaw.

  24. "The exact strength of Sealing." Wroclow Set Theory Seminar, March 9th 2021, University of Wroclow.

  25. "The exact strength of Sealing." Helsinki Logic Seminar, March 3rd 2021, University of Helsinki.

  26. "Forcing failures of square at omega_3 over models of determinacy, and the convergence of Kc constructions." Helsinki Logic Seminar, February 2nd 2021, University of Helsinki.

  27. " Determinacy, forcing axioms and inner models.." Muenster Set Theory Seminar, 4 talks, November 4th, 11th, 18th and 26th of 2020, University of Muenster.