some recent talks
- Nairian Models. The Roaming Logic Conference, Warsaw, 9 – 11 May 2025
- Gödel`s Birthday Colloquim, TU Wien, April 28
- Nairian Models, Biweekly Seminars at the Institute for Research in Fundamental Sciences (IPM), Tehran, Iran, February 20th
- (The 2025 Hjorth Lecture) Unreachability within the projective hierarchy. VIG 2025, February 7-9, 2025
- Recent advances in descriptive inner model theory, European Set Theory Conference, September 16–20, 2024, Münster, Germany
- Karp Prize Lecture (For John Steel), The 2024 North American Annual Meeting of the Association of Symbolic Logic,Iowa State University in Ames, Iowa May 14-17, 2024
- TBA, The Core Model Seminar, Online, 3 Lectures, April 2, 9 and 16, 2024, CMU
- 'HOM representations for sets of sets of reals", Generalized Baire Space and Large Cardinals, February 8-10, 2024, Bristol, UK
- "Forcing Axioms and Determinacy Axioms, towards a unified theory of infinity", IMPAN Colloquim, October 18, Warsaw, 2023,
- " Forcing over models of determinacy", 17th International Luminy Workshop in Set Theory,October 9-13, Luminy,France, 2023.
- "Forcing over models of determinacy", Spanish+Polish Mathematical Meeting, September 4-8, Lodz, Poland, 2023
- "Sealing theorems", STUK 10, 14 June 2023 in Oxford, UK.
- "Bi-interpretability in set theory", What philosophy can do for set theory, University of Barcelona, March 28-30, 2023, Barcelona, Catalonia.
- "omega strongly measurable cardinals in Pmax extensions of models of AD", Seminar of the Division of Real Functions, University of Gdansk, January 17, 2023, Gdansk, Poland.
- "An invitation to Inner Model Theory", Jerusalem Set Theory Seminar, November 30th, 2022, Jerusalem, Israel.
- "Theta is regular in L(Gamma_{uB}, R).", tutorial (3 lectures), Muenster Set Theory Seminar, November 2022, Muenster, German.
- "Forcing axioms, inner models and determinacy", tutorial (3 lectures), European Set Theory Conference 2022, August 29-September 2nd, Turin, Italy.
- "There are no long sequences of definable sets of reals", ESI Workshop "Set Theory", July 4-8, 2022, Vienna, Austria.
- "Combinatorial structures on omega_3 in Pmax extensions of the Chang mode", tutorial (4 lectures), 5th Muenster conference on inner model theory, June 20--July 01, 2022, Muenster, Germany.
- "Generic absoluteness for universally Baire sets." Seminarium Zakladu Funkcji Rzeczywistych, November 2nd 2021, University of Gdansk.
- "Generic absoluteness for universally Baire sets." Seminarium Zakladu Funkcji Rzeczywistych, October 26th 2021, University of Gdansk.
- "The failure of the iterability conjecture for K^c." 16th International Luminy Workshop in Set Theory, September 13-17, 2021.
- "Defining the powerset of a cardinal." Warsaw Logic Seminar, May 5th 2021, University of Warsaw.
- "The exact strength of Sealing." Wroclow Set Theory Seminar, March 9th 2021, University of Wroclow.
- "The exact strength of Sealing." Helsinki Logic Seminar, March 3rd 2021, University of Helsinki.
- "Forcing failures of square at omega_3 over models of determinacy, and the convergence of Kc constructions." Helsinki Logic Seminar, February 2nd 2021, University of Helsinki.
- " Determinacy, forcing axioms and inner models.." Muenster Set Theory Seminar, 4 talks, November 4th, 11th, 18th and 26th of 2020, University of Muenster.